Anchor Merchandising


Signup Form
Contact must be an official representative of the business or artist listed above.
Payment Preference *

Would you like us to choose items and pricing for you? *

Men's / Unisex Short Sleeve Tshirt styles - Select only one.
Prices may be subject to change with market trends.

Price for sizes S-XL. Default prices start at $19.99.

Women's Short Sleeve Tshirt styles> - Select only one.
Available with Anchor Elite and Anchor Premium plans.
Prices may be subject to change with market trends.

Price for sizes S-XL.

Long Sleeve Tshirt styles - Select only one
Prices may be subject to change with market trends.
Price for sizes S-XL.

Hoodie styles - Select up to two styles
Prices may be subject to change with market trends.
Price for sizes S-XL.

Other Merchandise

Select any of these items you want us to sell on your behalf. These items may be added based on special requests and higher volume sales.
We will use your preferences above as our guideline to price these items. Profit margins will range between 8-15% on most items in this section.

Authorization to use information provided *